Amalie Robert Estate Memorial Day Update: COVID-19
Hello and Welcome, This is an Amalie Robert Estate Memorial Day Update: COVID-19. A FLOG Communication from Dena and Ernie @AmalieRobertEstate.
Pinot Noir – The Essential Vines
The great state of Oregon has 36 counties covering 98,466 square miles and home to about 4.2 million residents. The governor’s original emergency order to close all nonessential businesses has been extended to July 6, 2020. As of May 15, counties have begun to open in a phase 1 capacity except 5, as identified by the County Status from the Oregon.Gov website. Of these counties, 3 have not yet submitted their detailed reopening plans to the governor for review. That leaves 2 of us who have submitted detailed reopening plans, but were rejected. Here is the answer to this week’s super trivia question: The capital of Oregon is Salem located in Marion County.
Closed we remain. However, we are open by appointment for pickups. Please contact Dena by email at or by phone at 503.88.CUVEE (28833).
However, emboldened we remain. We are planning our first 2020 winery open house for Father’s Day weekend June 20-21. This presupposes our county will have passed the opening requirements established by the governor and achieved by most other counties. We will be here with the required PPE and hope to see you equally adorned. In case of emergency, Ernie will have the pressure washer and “Hot Box” at the ready. This combination can produce instant steam delivered to your person at 4,500 PSI.
As Memorial Day weekend approaches, we have a new release of The Reserve Pinot Noir. The Reserve always seems to take forever to come around, and the 2015 vintage is no exception, but when it does what a treat! The wine is beautiful, and we wish you were here. Or as Jimmy Buffet might say, “The weather is here, wish you were beautiful.” What a Parrot Head!
In the meantime, Stay Safe and if you are a resident of a closed county, Stay Home. But it’s not so bad, really. You could be enjoying the company of a fine glass of Amalie Robert wine in the privacy of your own home. We would venture a guess that would be warmer than our barrel cellar this weekend, and most likely, a lot less humid and moldy. And while you are enjoying some fine wine, you could be reading the FLOG. Or watching one of our highly acclaimed videos. While it is a (slow) work in progress, you could go to our Facebook page and “like” us. If you don’t like us, well we don’t want to know.
Or get to know Amalie Robert Estate and Take the Tour.
Our full portfolio of wines is at your disposal on Amalie Robert Direct all day, every day. Lip Sanitizer 6 packs are still available. Click on the Big Blue Button.
We have been told that in the alcohol business, it is illegal to give anything away that may be an inducement to sell wine. In that regard, there is no longer a free cork in every bottle. The cork is now included with each bottle purchased. Alex, I’ll take “A distinction without a difference” for $1,000 please.
Kindest Regards,
Dena & Ernie